Order from the website

Find the products that you wish to purchase through our site, You can also add a product to your Favorites (Add to Wishlist) to complete your purchases more easily in the future. Click the “BUY IT” link or select the product to be taken to the product page. You can add products to your shopping cart while you are on the product page where you will see all the details you need (color, size, fit).

After choosing the right size and the characteristics of the product you want (color, size, etc.), you can add the product to your shopping cart with the option “ADD TO CART”. Add to cart can only be done for the available sizes (in the non-available the option of adding is disabled).

Each time you add a product to the cart in the upper right corner of your screen you will see how many products you have in your cart at the moment and a message will appear at the bottom of the screen informing you of the successful addition of the product.

By selecting the basket icon at the top right corner of the screen, a relevant window will appear through which you will see the products you have added to the cart and you will be able to change their quantity and see the total cost of your purchases. Through this you can also be led to the preview of the cart with the option “VIEW BASKET”.

Once you are sure that your cart is ready, you can proceed to the next step “Checkout” to proceed with the completion of your order.

At this point you should fill in your details, if you are a new customer. You can choose to create an account that allows you to log in to the store & view your orders or continue as a guest.

Then choose payment method (credit card or cash on delivery) and shipping method and follow the instructions.

After placing your order you will receive an automated confirmation email with information about it.

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